
We’re lending a hand.

At Genus ABS we’re committed to supporting our chosen charities in the vital work they do for our farming community. We recognise that farming is not always an easy way of life and it’s important for people to connect with the help and support they need. We have partnered with three farming support and well-being charities around the UK and Northern Ireland.

Our chosen charities, Farming Community Network, RSABI and PIPS work closely with farmers to provide mental health support and guidance.

Our Chosen Charities

Covering Northern Ireland, PIPS Charity provides support to individuals who are considering, or who have at some point considered, ending their own lives. PIPS provide support to those families & friends who have been touched by suicide as well as delivering suicide prevention training. Their helpline is 0800 088 6042

In GB, The Farming Community Network has over 400 volunteers across England and Wales, many of whom are involved in farming. They provide free, confidential, pastoral and practical support. Call their helpline 03000 111 999 and e-helpline [email protected] which is open every day of the year from 7 am-11 pm.

In Scotland, RSABI can access practical support such as welfare benefits, business reviews, debt signposting, counselling and medication services and are happy to liaise with statutory agencies when required. The helpline is open from 7 am – 11 pm 365 days of the year and offers a call-out service for the lonely and vulnerable 0808 1234 555

Message from Hugh Ratcliffe

GB General Manager

“It is really important for us as a business that we support the mental health of not just our own people but our customers as well. Our #lendahand campaign aims to raise money for our charity partners and our regional teams are already coming up with great ideas of how to do that. Ensuring this money is used within our own industry and rural communities is also really attractive to us”

Our priorties

Over the next two years, we need your support, ideas, and passion for British Agriculture as we embark on this partnership.

The Lend a Hand campaign will focus on 3 main areas:


All 3 charities offer helplines, training and practical support to farming communities across Great Britain. Helpline calls peaked during the lockdown and remain high. We aim to help them as they meet this new demand.


We offer what most companies can’t. Hundreds of staff on hundreds of farms every single day of the year. We are also sharing the support on offer through our social media. We are also looking for volunteers from our service, sales and consultant teams to share materials and let our farmers know that help is there, and there is no shame in asking for it.

Staff Training

Dealing with mental health and wellbeing can be a difficult topic at the best of times. There are many who may have experienced difficult conversations with farmers who turn to Genus ABS staff to confide in. This is a testament to the connection we have with our customers. We want to offer mental health training and support to our staff so that can confidently point farmers in the right direction for support.