St. Jacobs is a brand known around the world. For a good reason, all the sires that bare the St. Jacobs logo are known to be some of the most elite, high-end genetics the dairy industry as to offer. The mission of the St. Jacobs product offering is to empower breeders in their journey to build a superior cow. Thus, the tagline Type Without Compromise summarizes the sire lineup perfectly as bulls who will create long-lasting, productive, fertile, and profitable cows that are beautiful to look at.
However, knowing some of our commercial customers are looking for balanced cows we launched a new program into the St. Jacobs brand. That program is Linear Choice. Sires that enter this lineup are rigorously selected based on traits with the commercial dairy producer in mind. These sires are proven to produce dairy cows that are well-built, productive, and healthy. Linear Choice sires also feature right side linear in which you can expect moderate sized cows with strong production and health traits.
Linear Choice is where form meets function!
The New Sires in Linear Choice
- 94HO21031 Celebrate is over 1000 pounds of milk with positive components. He offers ideal rump angle, leg set, and teat length. He is positive for Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR) and Cow Conception Rate (CCR). Celebrate is also A2A2.
- 94HO21032 Diplomat is over 1300 pounds of milk with positive components with ideal rump angle, leg set, and teat length. His is a +1.5 CCR as well as A2A2.
- 94HO20822 Hexagon is over 800 pounds of milk with huge components. He is perfect linear choice right hand linear with impressive health and fertility traits. Hexagon is also A2A2.
The addition of these three top notch sires to our Linear Choice program demonstrates ABS Global’s focus in offering you high-end genetics. We take great pride in helping you build cows that are better than they were five years ago or even just one year ago.
For more information on these sires or to purchase, contact your local ABS Representative or visit our store.