Just as dairy genetic evaluations are based on dairy sires mated to dairy cows, beef genetic evaluations are based on beef sires mated to beef cows. When dairy producers started mating beef sires to dairy cows, we didn’t have any data to predict a sire or resulting calf’s performance when used on dairy cows.
After years of beef on dairy use, it is becoming clear that data from beef on beef matings cannot accurately predict beef on dairy performance. Traditional selection for individual beef expected progeny differences (EPDs) is less effective than a balanced selection index that fully describes profitability. Therefore, beef genetics for Beef InFocus™ are selected starting with the NuEra Profit Index™. Then, those top sires are distributed to dairies and evaluated for fertility, calving ease, gestation length, and stillbirth.
The NuEra Genetics™ program is the genetic engine behind Beef InFocus. ABS produces hundreds of NuEra bulls each year, but only the top 4% qualify for Beef InFocus, which means the best of the best beef sires are available to maximized profitability for dairies.
Interested in trying beef sires designed for your dairy herd? Connect with an ABS Representative to learn more.
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