ABS Australia is a global leader in high-ranking, proven and genomic dairy bovine genetics and is a one-stop shop for your semen requirements with a wide selection of dairy genetics from around the world at competitive prices.
The ABS Australia sire line-up features an exciting offering of sires from Australia and around the world that will meet the needs of the most discerning breeding program.
Holstein, Jersey and Norwegian Red are all featured and, across all breeds, it is clear that ABS has the most diversity, reliability and breed leaders in the industry!
Check out the Dairy Sires page to see the sires currently available in Australia.
Sexed genetics are used to produce offspring of a desired sex. By incorporating sexed genetics into your breeding program, it allows you to create replacements from your best animals and improve your genetic progress faster while maximizing profits. Sexed genetics have been available for many years. However, the technology used has been the same...until now. ABS Global has invested significantly to develop a unique and proprietary 21st century product to offer to our customers. Sexcel™ is a breakthrough in sexed genetics.