ABS Feed Efficiency index identifies the most profitable genetic combinations of feed intake and gain. Backed by over two decades of progeny feed intake data, ABS is the clear industry leader in proven feed efficiency genetics. Feed costs represent the biggest expense in beef production and improved feed efficiency continues to be a primary research focus at ABS and a key point of emphasis in our product development and sire selection programs.
• Reduce feed costs
• Improve efficiency & profitability
• Get more out of existing resources
• Lower cow maintenance costs
• Better stewardship of resources
Our indexes account for feed efficiency in a way that optimizes its value as part of an overall approach to balanced breeding, emphasizing its importance with growth and carcass. Our index models also provide for future-proofing, allowing us to account for market fluctuations and changing goal posts
Scott Newman,
Technical Director,
New Business Development
NuEra Terminal Genetics
Terminal Genetics for a New Era
ABS NuEra genetics are a differentiated product of the ABS genetic nucleus program. The current NuEra T14 line has been developed and selected to improve terminal trait profitability by maximizing beef productivity, efficiency and sustainability.
The NuEra T14 line has been designed as an ideal terminal solution for maximizing beef production from dairy cows. It is also an excellent option for commercial beef producers that are interested in maximizing end-product value in all or part of their herds.
Multi-Sire Packs
NuEra genetics are not available as individual sires but exclusively in heterospermic packs containing multiple bulls with similar elite index values. These multi-sire NuEra T14 packs are available in two levels designed to deliver only the best in genetic merit and fertility.
- NuEra PROFIT PREMIER – Top 1% US Beef Index
- NuEra PROFIT PLUS – Top 10% US Beef Index
Technology Provides New Opportunity
Today, Improvements in technology are also providing new opportunities both for increased and more targeted AI usage than ever before.
- The economics of AI have never been better
- Cow synchronization protocols are more reliable
- Sexed semen technology enables targeted replacement production requiring fewer matings
- This allows a larger portion of the cowherd to be available to maximize terminal beef production
Don’t Compromise, Make Matings With Intent
Rather than making all of your mating decisions to balance maternal and terminal traits and potentially lessen the effectiveness of both, consider a dual track approach that maximizes both in the right places.
- Utilize AI with sexed female semen in a portion of your herd to build even better replacements to strengthen and sustain your maternal base.
- Target the balance of your cow herd to maximize terminal traits and enhance your payday with higher performing, more efficient, and more valuable feeder calves.
See our 60/40 Synch program for more information about one successful option.
At ABS, our philosophy has always been that “Pasture to PlateTM starts with the cow” and that a trouble free, productive and sustainable maternal base is key to every beef production system.
Historically, building a cowherd through proven bulls has been one of the primary reasons that ABS commercial customers have used AI. We continue to support that effort as our primary mission and recommend using the best maternal genetics and the best maternal selection tools to build and add value to your cow herd.
To add further support, look for an enhanced Maternal index as part of the ABS Pasture to PlateTM genetic evaluation system in the future.
Read Part 1 HERE